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LASIK Specialist

Marano Eye Care

Ophthalmology & Cataract & Corneal Surgeons located in Denville, NJ, Livingston, NJ & Newark, NJ

Each year, more than 700,000 Americans undergo LASIK surgery. This advanced treatment can safely correct your vision, eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses. At Marano Eye Care, Matthew Marano Jr., MD, Edward Decker, MD, Sanjai Jalaj, MD, and the team offer LASIK on an outpatient basis. To schedule an appointment at the Denville, Livingston, or Newark, New Jersey, office, call to speak with a member of the administrative staff or book online today.


What is LASIK?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is an outpatient procedure that improves your vision. It uses targeted light energy to reshape your cornea, allowing you to see more clearly. 

LASIK provides near-instant results. The majority of people who undergo treatment experience benefits that last an average of 10 years and often longer. The technology is safe, FDA-approved, and has a track record of success.

What types of vision problems can LASIK correct?

At Marano Eye Care, the team uses LASIK to correct various vision problems, including:

Nearsightedness (myopia)

If you’re nearsighted, it’s easy to see things that are up close, but objects in the distance appear blurry. 

Farsightedness (hyperopia)

If you’re farsighted, it’s easy to see things in the distance, but objects that are close up appear blurry. For example, many people who are farsighted need reading glasses. 


Astigmatism causes blurred vision at all times, regardless of distance. It occurs due to an abnormally shaped cornea, affecting the way that light refracts through your eye.

What does LASIK involve?

LASIK is an outpatient procedure that takes about 40 minutes to complete (20 minutes for each eye). The procedure follows a list of basic steps:

Step one

On the day of your procedure, you lie down on an exam table. The team places anesthetic eye drops in both of your eyes and uses an eyelid holder to hold them open.

Step two

After the anesthesia sets in, your surgeon makes a small flap in the outer layer of your cornea with a handheld laser. Then they gently lift the flap.

Step three

Your surgeon uses a tool called an excimer laser to carefully reshape your cornea based on your eyeglasses or contact prescription. They place the flap back in its original position, allowing your eye to heal without sutures or stitches.

What is recovery like following LASIK?

Following LASIK, it’s normal to experience mild symptoms like itching and burning or blurred vision. The team prescribes you special eye drops to keep your eyes moist and to encourage your body’s natural healing process. 

A few days after the procedure, you return to Marano Eye Care for a follow-up exam. You’ll notice a significant improvement in your vision a day or two following LASIK, but your eyes won’t completely heal for two or three months. Be patient, attend each of your post-surgical follow-ups, and adhere closely to your treatment plan.

If you’re interested in learning more about LASIK, request a consultation at Marano Eye Care. Call the nearest location to speak with a member of the administrative staff or book online today.