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Botox and Juvederm Treatments in New Jersey


Marano Eye Care is a leading expert on a wide variety of eye-related surgeries and treatments so you can trust our team to provide you with the best Botox and Juvederm services in New Jersey.

What is Botox?

Botox has been used for eye care longer than it has been used for voluntary plastic surgery related procedures. During treatment, Botox is injected in extremely minor quantities into particular muscles to treat a variety of eye conditions. This treatment works by blocking the broadcast of nerve pulses to your muscles, therefore paralyzing or relaxing your muscles. The FDA began permitting Botox procedures in the late 1980s following the breakthrough that Botox can treat eye conditions such as uncontrolled blinking, eye spasms, lazy eyes, and much more! When Botox is injected into the eye muscles, it reduces the movement of the muscle and can be effective in aligning the eyes. 

What is Juvederm?

Juvederm is the brand label for a variety of facial fillers centered around hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural sugar element in the body that produces volume in the skin. Juvederm is injected into your skin to plump lips, diminish facial lines or wrinkles, or fill in cheeks and eroded acne marks. Juvederm is an alternative for Botox and a great replacement for surgery, but should be performed by an ophthalmologist because of their unique knowledge of the fragile areas around the eyes. A Juvederm procedure is quick, simple, and can have lasting effects for up to one full year. 

Which Treatment is Right for Me?

Choosing an eye doctor with extensive knowledge of facial anatomy can help to maximize the results of these popular non-surgical treatments. Since ophthalmologists work with the delicate skin and muscles around the eyes on a daily basis, they are the best choice for administering Botox and Juvederm treatments. The treatments are applied using very small needles causing minimal pain and discomfort. For Botox, the physician may use a topical numbing ointment to reduce discomfort for the patient, and the Juvederm injection has a minor dose of anesthetic to assist with any pain. Both treatments work rapidly and the outcomes are perceptible within a couple of days after the procedure. Both treatments are proficient at delivering a natural appearance- the injectable methods are securely absorbed into the body over time so the results are not permanent. Botox can last three months to a year, while Juvederm outcomes vary depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid. The highest concentration delivers effects that can last a year or longer. Both techniques are FDA approved and are considered to be safe and effective injectables and dermal fillers. Patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a neurological condition should consult with their physician before receiving an injectable treatment.

Botox & Juvederm Services in New Jersey

At Marano Eye Care, we are leading experts on a wide variety of eye-related surgeries and treatments- including Botox and Juvederm. These non-invasive treatments are effective in treating common eye conditions and bringing a youthful look back to your face, so what are you waiting for? To learn more about our services and to receive professional and exceptional eye care, contact us or visit one of our convenient locations in DenvilleLivingston, or Newark today!

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