Protecting Your Eyes This Summer

How to Protect Your Eyes this Summer
UV ray exposure slowly damages the eyes and puts you at risk for macular degeneration, cataracts, and other serious eye conditions. Everyone is at risk for UV damage to their eyes, however those with fair skin, young children, and those with light eyes are at an even higher risk. Most of us are good about remembering to protect our skin, but forget another vital part of our body that needs just as much protection: our eyes. Our eyes are almost always exposed to the outdoors, so we need to make sure we are being proactive about their health! Here are some tips on how you can protect your eyes all summer and year long.
1. Wear UVA/UVB Sunglasses
Wearing sunglasses doesn’t immediately put you in the clear. You need to make sure they offer 100% UVA and UVB protection. Otherwise, you may be putting yourself at even more risk by thinking it is safe to stare into the sunlight. UV rays may still damage the eyes, even when it is cloudy outside. Therefore, UVA/UVB protecting sunglasses should be worn outdoors at all times.
2. Wear a Hat
As a second defense against harmful UV rays, wear a hat when outdoors. Wearing a hat will help block some of the sunlight from your precious eyes.
3. Practice Eye Safety
It may seem silly, but you would be surprised at how many people injure their eyes each summer. Wear goggles when cleaning with harsh chemicals or when setting off those Fourth of July fireworks.
4. Be Cautious of UV-Intense Scenarios
There are certain times where you should be extra mindful of UV rays. For example, the sun’s rays are strongest when at high altitudes, during the early afternoon, and when reflected off snow or water. If you find yourself outdoors in any of these situations, take extra precaution.
Protect Your Eyes with Marano Eye Care
Use all of these suggestions to ensure your eyes stay healthy this summer and all year long. If you feel like something is not right with your eyes, do not hesitate to make an appointment at Marano Eye Care. Our experts will get to the root of your eye issues and get you seeing 20/20 in no time. Contact us today!
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